business name tool

Check Your
Business Name

Find Out If Your Company Name Is Available Using Incofile's Business Name Lookup Tool

Business Name Information

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We’ll Take Care of the Entity Search

We’ll tell you if your business name is available in your state


Let’s start with a great name

Your business needs a great name — one that is unique and memorable while telling customers what you do and strengthening your brand. The question is: How do you find the perfect name while making sure it’s different from any other business name in your formation state?

The answer is simple: With Incofile's business name search and lookup tool.

We’ve made it fast and easy to look up LLC and corporation names in some of the most popular U.S. states for LLC formation, so you can easily see if your proposed business name is available. And the best part is you can do it all from one place.

Your Questions Answered

1. Q: Do I Need to Have a Distinctive Name for My Business?

A: Whether you need a Certificate of Good Standing for your LLC, Corporation or Nonprofit, the cost is $49 + the fees required by your state. State fees vary from $0 to $60.

2. Q: Are There Rules on What Makes a Business Name Unique?

A: No! We pride ourselves on transparency. There are absolutely no hidden costs associated with you obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing.

3. Q: Are There Rules on What I Can Name My Business?

A: How long it takes to get a Certificate of Good Standing depends on a number of variables, but you should expect it to take anywhere from several days to several weeks.The filing time depends on the governing state agency and varies by state.

4. Q:How Do I Lookup My Proposed LLC or Corporation Business Name?

A: It’s easy: just use the Business Name Search Tool and enter your proposed LLC or corporation name. We’ll search the business name registry for your desired state and tell you if there are any matches. If not, good news — you can form a business with that name, and we’ll help you get started.

5. Q: What Happens If I Don't Want to Do Business Under My Legal Entity Name?

A: Most states allow you to conduct business under a different name. Depending on your state’s rules, this could be known as an “assumed name,” “fictitious name,” “doing business as name” or “trade name.” We can file your Fictitious Business Name with your state on your behalf.

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llc for free

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